If cabinet is not used as a serving station it is permissible to place it in a basement, back
room, or any other out of the way place. However, it is important to locate the cabinet as
close as possible to the remote station in order to keep the heat loss through the
insulated extended lines at a minimum. When used as a serving station, it is necessary
to place the cabinet where it will be most accessible to the operator.
Water shut off valves and power switches should be located as near the cabinet as
possible in order to facilitate service. Where an air-cooled condenser is used, there
should be enough space surrounding the cabinet to insure adequate air circulating
through the refrigeration condenser. Space should also be provided if possible, for doing
service work on the cabinet. Note: when units are located in isolated rooms outside
ventilation is necessary and air conditioning is recommended.
In order to have even distribution of cold water, the cold-water circulating
lines must always be run in series even on multiple station installations.
Be sure to leave all connections and fittings exposed until after the entire
system has been pressure tested.
In order to insure maximum heat transfer between the braided plastic
lines (through which the water, soda, and syrup are carried) and the
circulating tubing, it is necessary to tape these lines firmly together.
When the remote lines consist of three syrup lines and one soda line, tape the soda line
and one syrup line to the inside of the out-going water circulating tubing and tape the
remaining two syrup lines to the inside of the return water circulating tubing.
When there is a fresh water remote line used, then the fresh water line and the soda line
are taped to the inside of the out-going water circulating tubing and the three syrup lines
taped to the inside of the return water circulating tubing. The lines should be taped at
one-foot intervals.
The two groups of lines should then be drawn together and taped firmly so that the
braided lines are on the inside of the cluster.
It is of utmost importance that the extended lines of the remote
installation be properly and adequately insulated. Failure to do this will
cause overloading of the refrigeration unit and ice bank, condensation
on the outside of the insulation and reduced cold drink dispensing
All open ends, joints and connections of the insulation must be sealed air
tight to prevent outside air from entering the insulated duct. Outside air, which contains
moisture, would condense this moisture within the insulation duct resulting in the
insulation becoming wet, which would reduce its insulating qualities. Water dripping from
duct would also result.
Pressure Drop within the Carbonated Water Lines – All Soda systems will maintain the
pressure necessary to prevent any carbonation loss through out the entire system even
while the valve is open.
Attention must be given to avoid restrictions in the lines, which may cause a reduction in
pressure upon the carbonated water and allow some of the gas to escape from the
carbonated water in the lines.