Setup - MaxiScan 3300
MaxiScan 3010 - Installation Guide
Setup MaxiScan 3300 slave unit – off line
You can use EasySet to print out configuration bar codes for offline setup.
Here are some basic configuration bar codes to configure up to 5 3300 slave units.
The EasySet software provides the full set of configuration options to configure up
to 20 MaxiScan units.
Only read this code if you want to reset factory defaults!
Do not read this code if you have already set up each MaxiScan unit.
reset factory defaults (optional)
If you have not already configured your MaxiScan 3300 unit(s), do it now. See the
MaxiScan 3100 Installation Guide
for details.
You must configure your scanner(s) before activating each of them as a
slave unit.
Read this code to activate synchronization controlled by the MaxiScan 3010:
Activate synchronization software - 3300
To set up synchronization controlled by the MaxiScan 3300, see the
3300 Installation Guide.