NX-181xx NetworX Voice keypad with touch buttons Installation Manual
[1] Keypad configuration:
This sub menu allows you to program the address,
partition and room numbers of each keypad, along with other selectable options.
[2] Panel & device configuration:
This is your access point to all devices that
are on the bus network, such as the control panel, radio receivers, output
modules etc.
[3] Service provider phone number:
This is the phone number you wish your
clients to call for servicing, this number will be announced each arming and
disarming cycle whilst a system fault is present.
Step Advanced system configuration – Keypad configuration
Selects main menu - Option 0, Advanced system configuration.
Enter your code, touch menu to exit.
2. [?]-[?]-[?]-[?]
4 or 6 digit Programming code.
Touch 1 for Keypad Configuration.
Touch 2 for panel and device configuration.
Touch 3 to configure service provider phone number.
Touch menu to exit.
Selects Keypad configuration.
Announcement (all keypad options are announced)
[ ? ]
Select one of the keypad options (shown in tables below).
Next [MENU]
Moves back to step 3, Advanced system configuration selection.
Next [MENU]
Exits from Advanced system configuration.
When programming Advanced system configuration > Keypad configuration
choose the option you wish to program from 1 to 8 (shown below) at step 4. All
keypads should be defaulted prior to programming (option 0).
Option 1 - Keypad numbering
Keypad number is ?, select a keypad number, touch menu to go back
[ ? ]
Enter the keypad number
Keypad number is ?, select a keypad number, touch menu to go back
[MENU] Moves back to step 4, keypad option selection
Option 2 - Keypad Partition number
Keypad partition number is ?, select a keypad partition number, touch menu to
go back.
[ ? ]
Enter the keypad partition number.
Keypad partition number is ?, select a keypad partition number, touch menu to
go back.