After you have entered and saved the new enhancement for this
game, press the "B" button to return to the Select Cheat Codes
menu. You can now select the game and enhancement you
entered to test them out.
Your new enhancement has been saved to the menu of the
GameShark and will remain there until you decide to delete it. You
can add additional enhancements to any game simply by
highlighting the New Code line and pressing the "A" button and
going through the entry steps above.
Memory card Manager
The memory manager allows you to view the contents of any
memory card up to 1998 blocks in size. Follow the simple on
screen instructions to load, save and copy between memory cards.
In addition it is possible to copy the game saves from inside your
game cartridge onto memory cards.
smart card Port
The GameShark has a unique Smart card reader/writer slot at the
rear of the unit. This slot will support a range of Smart cards
including Ram, Rom and Flash Rom cards. These cards offer
features including special game cheats and memory card support.
Watch out for these exciting products as they become available for
your GameShark.
Full instructions for the use of this expansion port will be included
with the new products.
LED Indicator
GameShark has a built-in LED display. This feature too will be fully
utilized with future products available for the smart card Port of
your GameShark.
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