8. Restart the camera.
For registering the DDNS settings, refer to “Registering with DDNS”.
For configuring the DDNS settings, refer to “DDNS”.
Refer to “IP & Port” for how to setup IP.
Connecting the camera to a broadband router with the PPPoE/Cable modem
This is for a small network environment such as homes, SOHO and ordinary shops.
Configuring the network settings of the local PC connected to a Broadband Router
Configuring the network settings of the local PC connected to a Broadband Router, follow
the instructions below.
Select : <Network>→<Properties>→<Local Area
Connection>→<General>→<Properties>→<Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP)>→<Properties>→<Obtain an IP address automatically> or <Use the following
IP address>.
Follow the instructions below if you select <Use the following IP address>:
1ex1) if the address (LAN IP) of the Broadband Router is
IP address:
Sub net Mask:
Default Gateway: