Intellian Satellite TV Antenna Systems
Work View Tabs
Aptus® provides seven Work View Tabs (Antenna Basic View, Antenna
Advanced View, Satellite ViewMonitor View, Graph View, Diagnostic /Network
View, and GUI View) to manage the Antenna and the Satellite configuration.
How to modify the settings on Work View;
1. Enter the Setup mode by clicking Setup icon.
2. Tick the checkbox next to the “Set” button to modify the settings.
3. Enter the desired value then press the Set button to save the settings.
1. Antenna – Basic Info.
This view tab provides information on the Antenna’s Current GPS location,
Skew Information, and the Antenna’s Angle. This view tab uses the Antenna’s
AZ and EL information in order to provide a dynamic graphic user interface
- GPS: displays and sets current antenna’s GPS.
- Bow Information: not used on i-series.
- Go to Position : The current position (angle) of the antenna is displayed.
Push the “Go to Target Position” button after keying in the desired angle to
move the antenna to target position.
- Find Antenna Angle: displays and sets the current antenna angle. Select a
desired satellite from the drop-down menu, then longitude, azimuth,
elevation and skew information are displayed.
• Find Angles & Skew Antenna GPS: finds the current antenna
angles and skew angle in relation to the longitude (orbit position)
of the antenna’s current GPS.