N440BX if only one Intel Pentium® II Processor is installed), at least one 32MB SDRAM DIMM module, a floppy
disk drive, and a minimum of three identical SCSI hard disk drives. If RAID 1 (mirroring) is the intended
application, a minimum of two identical SCSI hard disk drives is required. A DOS bootable disk will also be
needed. Refer to the N440BX or T440BX tested chassis and power supply document, tested memory document, and
the supported Hardware and Operating System document for Intel tested components. These documents can be found
at the Intel Corporation sites
for the Intel N440BX
Server Board or
for the Intel T440BX Server
Example: Configuring and initializing a RAID array using a Mylex
AcceleRAID 200 and DACCF utility
Disable the SCSI option ROM scan in BIOS setup.
Boot the system with a DOS bootable floppy disk and then run the DACCF utility.
Using the Mylex DACCF utility define and configure one or more logical drives using “Automatic
Configuration” for a RAID5 array with 3 or more identical drives or “New Configuration” to create a custom
RAID array.
Save (Backup) the configuration to a floppy.
Initialize the system drives.
Install the Network Operating system.
Installing the Mylex AcceleRAID 200 hardware & starting the DACCF utility
Hardware configuration used for this example:
Intel N440BX Server Board, Intel Astor chassis, two Intel Pentium II Processors with 100MHz System Bus,
operating at 400MHz, 64MB Micron* PC/100-compliant 100MHz SDRAM (two 32MB 168pin Gold DIMMS), 5
Seagate* ST32107WC Hard Disk Drives, Mylex AcceleRAID 200 RAID controller, Teac* Floppy diskette drive.
During the system POST, the AcceleRAID 200 BIOS will allow you to
select <ALT-M> to enter the BIOS. In the AcceleRAID BIOS menu there
is an option labeled “Configure MDAC”. This function is intended to be
the equivalent of the DACCF (Disk Array Controller ConFiguration)
utility, but run from the RAID controller card’s BIOS. As of the writing
of this document this option is not enabled. If you choose this option the
system will hang and must be rebooted. A firmware upgrade is required
in order to correct the problem. The user is requested to contact Mylex to
obtain the firmware upgrade for the AcceleRAID 200. Presently the
DACCF utility disk that came with the “Disk Array Controller
Configuration Utilities Installation Guide and User Manual” must be