INSYS Modem 336/56k 4.1 (UL)
Select the according INSYS Modem and start the update.
Close the window after the update is completed.
Terminal Program
As an alternative to the procedure described in the previous chapter,
the firmware update may also be performed via a terminal program.
For the firmware update you will need a PC and a terminal
program. The terminal program must be able to perform an
ASCII upload (ASCII data transmission protocol). Setting the
hardware flow control is mandatory. For safety, any interpre-
tation of characters (e.g. TAB, CR, BS …) by the ASCII upload
protocol must be prevented.
The baud rate must be between 9,600 baud and 57,600 baud.
Setting a different baud rate may lead to errors. The loading
procedure takes about 2 to 3 minutes for 57,600 baud; for
lower baud rates accordingly longer.
July 06