Fix and fasten main frame set (K) and front and rear stabilizer (F, G) using screw (K01), spring
washer (K02) and washer (K03).
Connect the wires as in picture and install the console mast (A) to the main frame set (K)
using screw (K04), washer (K05) to secure it.
Don’t press wires.
Take off the screw nut and washer on the seat pad (M). Then install the seat pad (M) to the
seat set (L). Fix and lock it with the screw nut a washer that you took off first.
After pulling up the pop pin, insert the seat set (L) into the main frame and assemble the left
and right pedal (O). Distinguish the left and the right pedal. They are signed with L-left and R-
right on the bottom.