4.2: Mechan cal and Electr cal Assembly
4.2.1: Return to Factory Sett ngs
4.2.2: Electr cal Assembly
The dev ce operates w th 5VDC. Energ ze the dev ce by us ng the adaptor n the
box from m cro–B USB nput on the dev ce.
Connect the sw tch, modem to the RJ45 connector on the dev ce by us ng CAT6
S nce the dev ce has a portable dev ce, t can be eas ly placed to any des red locat on.
Also, t s poss ble to mount from screw sockets.
4.2.3: Mechan cal Assembly
When energ zed:
- pressed “B” and released shorter than 5 seconds = r ng tone
- longer than 5 seconds and shorter than 10 seconds = nterface software reset
- longer than 10 seconds = database reset
When not energ zed:
- longer than 10 seconds = embedded software factory sett ng reset
The LED w ll start to bl nk when press to the button. The LED w ll bl nk at d fferent
speed n each level to nd cate level changes.