1: Important Safety Informat on
Do not open the product!
Please read th s manual before us ng the dev ce!
Not follow ng the recommendat ons n th s manual m ght lead to danger.
The manufacturer GST ELEKTRONİK LTD ŞTİ cannot be hold respons ble
for any loss or damagesar s ng from not follow ng the nstruct ons n th s user manual.
Dev ce s no longer under warrant after faults ar s ng n these cases.
The dev ce s des gned to control other electron c dev ces and operates n houses.
Incorrect connect on or usage m ght cause fire or electr c shocks.
There m ght be voltage on the connect on t ps even f the dev ce s turned off.
The fuse or power source must always be d sabled f the connect ons w ll be changed.
Do not operate the dev ce w th wet or mo st hands to avo d electr c shock r sk.
Do not make any changes on th s dev ce that are not spec fied n the user manual.
Do not leave the dev ce d rectly exposed to sunl ght or other heat sources. Do
not place the dev ce near open fire or ntense heat sources such as electr c
Other dev ces
The manufacturer GST ELEKTRONİK LTD. ŞTİ. cannot be held respons ble for
any damages or out-of-warranty f any unsu table connect ons other than the
connect ons expressed n the connect on manual are made w th other dev ces.
Th s product s des gned only for ndoors use n a dry env ronment.
Do not use the product n wet or damp env ronment such as bathtub, s nk,
bath and pool.
Dev ce Clean ng
Heat Sources and F re
Do not clean the product w th solvent (th nner, gasol ne, ac d etc.) or
abras ve clean ng products. Avo d clean ng w th vapour clean ng tools.