This paragraph details every hardware function of the UEPM Development Board..
4.1. Target Board
The Texas Instrument’s MSP-TS430PN80USB target board is compatible with all
MSP430 in 80-PN package. However, the UEPM Development Board was designed
and optimized for the specific MSP430F5529. It is delivered with this microcontroller
already pre-loaded with the UEPM Sample Program.
Figure 2
– MSP-TS430PN80USB Target Board
It is recommended to use the UEPM Development Board with MSP430F5529 as some
functions might not be available with other references of microcontroller.
Leave jumper JP2 open as the pin P1.0 is already used on the UEPM Develoment
The target board has a 32,768 Hz crystal soldered on XT1 for keeping a correct track of
time and a 4 MHz crystal soldered on XT2 used for USB. The target board is also