equipped with USB connector. Please refer to
In order to load a program to the MSP430 or to run a debug, place
the target board’s
JP3 in ‘ext’ position and close the UEPM Dvelopment Board’s switches SW1 and SW2.
Make sure the battery has enough charge to power the board as it is powering the
whole board. Connect the MSP-FET430UIF provided with the UEPM Development
Board to the JTAG connector of the target board and connect its USB cable to your
computer. From Code Composer Studio, you can now run a program or debug.
Note: the UEPM Development Board is equipped with several peripherals that may
consume important current, especially if a Wi-Fi module is plugged to the XBEE
connector and the LCD screen is on. This is why the power must be supplied by the
battery instead of the MSP-FET430UIF while debugging.
4.2. LCD Display
The INT018ATFT is 1.8” TFT display of 160 x 128. It uses 8 data pins for optimum
display time. Please refer the device’s datasheet for further information.
Figure 3
– LCD Display