Freedom is lost now…!
Cancel: Send SMS “password” to deactivate the overspeed alarm.
Remark: The recommended speed should be not less than 30km/h. For below that rate, it will be effected
the accuracy by GPS signals drift etc.
6.20.9. A
ccident alarm (Option)
When tracker detects accident occurred (severe impact) during normal driving, it will send “Accident! +
latitude & longitude " to all authorized phone numbers.
ACC working alarm This function is disabled as default. To active this functions, send "ACC+password" to tracker, it will
reply "ACC ok". And tracker will send "ACC on+latitude & longitude" to authorized numbers when detect
ignition action, that means the vehicle has been started; and tracker will send “ACC off+latitude &
longitude" to authorized numbers, that means ACC off. Send "noACC+password" to disabled this function, tracker will reply "noACC ok". This configuration can only enable and disable the alarm to authorized numbers; it will send to web
server automatically in GPRS mode and can't be disabled.
6.20.11. Fuel alarm When the fuel consumption exceeds the normal standards during driving, or oil theft/leakage when the
vehicle is stopped, the tracker will send "oil: xx% + Geo-info" to the authorized number at interval of 3
minutes. The horn beeps 30S. Cancel: Send SMS command “ nooil+password” to tracker. supports two fuel sensors.
6.21. Cut off the Oil and Power System
6.21.1 Send command “stop+password” to tracker, tracker will execute it and reply “Stop engine Succeed”. And
it will remain immobile state until next command to resume.
6.21.2 Stop mode immediately: Send command “qupassword” to tracker, it will reply “quickstop OK”.
Then tracker will stop the car immediately after “stop” command. Execute depends on speed(Default mode): Send command “noqupassword” to tracker, It will
reply “noquickstop OK”, Then the tracker won’t stop the car immediately after “stop” command,
instead, it will reply “it will be executed after speed less than 20KM/H”, and stop the car when the
speed is less than 20KM/H.
6.21.3 Resume the Oil and Power System
Send “password" to tracker, it will reply "Resume engine succeed", that means vehicle has
resume the oil supply.
6.22ARM / LOCK
6.22.1 ARM / LOCK BY SMS ( All the functions of Lock and Unlock must work with the optional relay of
central locking system)
Send “
arm+password” to tracker, it will make the car enter ARM states and lock the door at the same