CHEMFLO 4 (en)
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No liquid delivered.
1. Pump not primed.
1. Reprime pump, check that pump and
there are no obstructions in the suc-
tion line.
2. Discharge valve closed
2. Check discharge valve.
3. Suction line clogged.
3. Remove obstructions.
4. Wrong direction of rotation.
4. Change rotation to concur with direc-
tion indicated on bearing housing or
pump casing.
5. Total head is too high
5. Re-evaluate head conditions.
6. Driver is not operating at rated speed. 6. Check electric motor voltage;check
engine rpm
7. Pump is vapor bound
7. Provide additional pressure on liq-
uid being pumped by elevating liquid
8. Foot valve or suction pipe opening
not submerged enough
8. Consult factory for proper depth. Use
baffler to eliminate vortices.
Pump not producing rated flow or head.
1. Air leak through gasket.
1. Replace gasket.
2. Air leak through stuffing box.
2. Replace or adjust packing/mechanical
3. Impeller partly clogged.
3. Back flush pump to clean impeller.
4. Worn suction side plate or wear rings.
4. Replace defective parts as required.
5. Pump is not properly primed.
5. Reprime pump, check that pump and
there are no obstructions in the suc-
tion line. Check NPSHa to ensure that
there is enough liquid for pump oper-
6. Driver is not operating at rated speed. 6. Check electric motor voltage;check
engine rpm
7. Pump is vapor bound
7. Provide additional pressure on liquid
being pumped by elevating liquid
source. or consider installing an air
release valve in the discharge line
to remove the air to allow the pump
to become dynamic.
8. Insufficient suction head.
8. Ensure that suction line shutoff valve
is fully open and line is unobstructed.
9. Worn or broken impeller.
9. Inspect and replace if necessary.
Pump starts then stops pumping.
1. Excessive air in liquid.
1. Clean and tighten all suction connec-
tions; relocate suction inlet in liquid
2. Defective packing or seal.
2. Replace packing or seal.
3. Pump is vapor bound.
3. Provide additional pressure on liquid
being pumped by elevating liquid
source. or consider installing an air
release valve in the discharge line
to remove the air to allow the pump
to become dynamic.
4. Air or vapor pockets in suction line.
4. Rearrange piping to eliminate air
5. Air leak in suction line.
5. Repair leak.
Bearings run hot.
1. Improper alignment.
1. Re-align pump and drive.
2. Improper lubrication.
2. Check lubricate for suitability and
3. Lube cooling.
3. Check cooling system
RELEASED 03/Sep/2021 12:38:56 GMT