TP0029 Rev.5
2000 Ingersoll-Rand Company
Date of Revision: 15 August, 2000
Inlet Air Filter
An inlet air filter should be mounted by the customer at a suitable location. At minimum, it
should be a high efficiency two-stage unit designed to remove 99.97% of all particles larger
than 2 microns and 90% of all particles larger than 0.4 microns. For adverse environmental
conditions, a more efficient inlet air filter is recommended.
The inlet filter is normally oversized to increase the time between element changes and
reduce the velocity through the filter to give a lower noise level.
Routine inspection of the filter is recommended and the addition of instrumentation to
indicate pressure drop across the filter elements is also suggested. When this drop increases
substantially, the elements should be cleaned or replaced.
Remote Inlet Air Filter (Panel Type)
When the filter is mounted at a remote location with the inlet air piping supplied by others, the
following recommendations should be observed.
The remote inlet air filter should be, at minimum, a high efficiency unit designed to remove
99.97% of all particles at 2 microns or larger. For adverse environmental conditions it is
recommended that you use a special filter, such as:
A 0.3 micron inlet air filter
An inertial spin filter
A chemical type filter
Check with your Ingersoll-Rand representative for specific filter information.
The air filter should be located as close to the unit as possible to minimize pressure drop. If
the filter is located outside the compressor building, the inlet housing should be at least
8 to 10 feet above the ground or roof and 6 feet away from the side of a wall.
(See Figure 4
Access to the filter should be provided with ample room around the filter for maintenance. A
permanent platform should always be built around elevated filters to provide safety for
personnel assigned to changing filter elements.
For best performance the inlet air piping should conform to the following recommendations:
The inlet piping, from the inlet filter to the compressor, must be clean and made from a
non-rusting material such as stainless steel, aluminum, or PVC, and suitably flanged so
that it may be inspected in sections.
Inlet piping should be short and direct, with the combined filter and piping pressure drop
less than 0.3 psi (2.1 kPa[a]).
Always use long radius elbows.
Transitions in pipe diameters should be gradual.
Any horizontal run of pipe should be installed so that condensation in the piping will run
away from the compressor.
Drain valves should be installed in the inlet piping at low points to allow the removal of
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90.10_Pre-Installation and Operation Manual