Nets One PA user guide | 29
Backup solution (EOT)
If errors occur in the communication between the terminal and Nets, an electronic backup solution can be used
for BankAxept and Dankort/ VisaDankort cards. The terminal prints a receipt with a signature line and ID verifi-
cation check. This feature is only relevant for Norwegian and Danish merchants.
Procedure for backup solution in Norway (BankAxept)
When the terminal prints a BankAxept backup solution receipt, the following steps should be undertaken. Note:
BankAxept may change this requirements without notice and to get latest procedure for handling backup solu-
tion, please contact BankAxept.
Ask the cardholder to sign the receipt
Check the cardholder’s identity
Add the identity verification digits to the receipt (e.g. ABCD 123)
For purchases of more than 1500 NOK contact nets customer service on 08989 to authorize the amount
o Follow the terminal instructions
o Key in the authorisation number when asked to do so and it will be added to the receipt
No transactions above 10 000 NOK will be approved offline
The merchant must keep the receipt with the cardholder’s signature and be able to produce it, if required.
Procedure for backup solution in Denmark (Dankort)
If the terminal has no connection to NETS, the merchant can force the terminal to perform offline transactions.
This is only possible for Danish merchants and when used with Dankort..
It is very important to understand that by using this function, the merchant will be at risk to not receive payment
for the transaction, if the card used in force offline mode is blocked, or the card account linked is has been
blocked. In situations where force offline is used, it’s therefor advised that the merchant calls the acquirer for
every transaction performed, to verify the card and/or customer account.
Press the MENU key
Press 4 or scroll down using the arrow key to Other transac-
tions and press OK
Press 1 or OK to select Force offline