the image is saved with its name including IP address and
time information.
Take the image named 20071114191026734- as
an example, it shows the IP address of snapshot pan/tilt is, and the shoot time is at 19:10:26:734 Nov.14, 2007.
Chapter V MJPEG Video Setting
User can also click “MJPEG” button to enter “MJPEG” video (as
shown in figure 3-4). Super users can set such settings via the
buttons on the left as resolution, image quality, frame rate, snapshot
and so on, while common users can only view resolution and image
5.1 Resolution
Figure 5-1
There are 2 options: 960P and Closed.
when the major stream in MPEG4 Video Type interface is
set as 960P and minor stream is closed, the MJPEG resolution
interface will be shown as the figure above. But if the major and
minor stream of MPEG4 is set as different values, the MJPEG
resolution interface will also has different options. The resolution
of MPEG4 and MJPEG can affect each other.
5.2 Image Quality
Figure 5-2
As shown in the figure above, there are 5 levels available: Highest,
High, Average, Low, Lowest. The image quality will be worse in
sequence. You can choose what you want.
5.3 Frame Rate
Figure 5-3
As shown above:
The frame rate can be chosen from: 2, 4, 5, 10, 15. You can choose
what you want.