3.11.2 Recording Replay
Record Type
Icon & Play
Video replay
Figure 3-25 Replay Window
The Player consists of six parts: Video Replay Window, Search
Condition, Replay progress, Video record distribution, Replay
Control and Record Type Icon & Play Speed.
Note: Before video replay, user needs to search and select replay
Search Record File
For local and network video replay, the record files can be found by
defining the time section.
Local Search:
For local search, user can define time section at search condition
section, with VOD unselected, as shown in Figure 3-26.
Figure 3-26 Local Search
If there is file that fit the condition, green, orange and/or red boxes
will be displayed on the video record distribution section, as shown
in Figure 3-27.
Figure 3-27 Local Video Record Distribution
Remote Search:
For remote record file search, user can define time section at search
condition section, with VOD selected, as shown in Figure 3-28.
Figure 3-28 VOD Search
If there is file that fit the condition, green, orange and/or red boxes
will be displayed on the video record distribution section, as shown
in Figure 3-27.
Note: The Video Record Distribution section displays the video
record files in a month. For example, if date for search is set to
“2009-11-17”, the Video Record Distribution section will display
all the record files of this camera in November 2009. In the Video
Record Distribution table, the green box indicates auto record file,
orange box indicates manual record file and red box indicates alarm
record file. And the flashing white box indicates the time set in the
search condition section. During record file replay process, the
white box will move as the time passes, for time indication purpose.
Record Playback:
There are two methods for record playback.
Method One
: Playback record by selecting record file from search
result. Select a video play window, and then double clicks on the
green, orange or red box to play video.
Method Two:
Define specific time at Search Condition section,
search the file at that time and then play the file. If there is video
recorded at that time (If there is file recorded at the time, the Replay
Progress table will display green, orange or red bar), press the
button on replay control bar to play video.
During record playback process, the time scale of play progress can
be defined by mouse dragging.
Record Playback is shown in figure below:
Figure 3-29 Record Playback
Playback Control:
During record playback, user can perform snapshot, frame
backward/ forward and download manager, as shown in Figure 3-30.
When the record file playback is finished, the video window will
restore initial state.