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So odd-numbered triggers will start a new ramp in the same direction as the initial ramp and even-
numbered triggers will hop the synthesizer from the current frequency to f
where it will wait for a trigger to
start a sweep. Note that the odd-numbered triggers should be timed appropriately to allow the VCO to settle
after the large frequency hop back to the start frequency.
The functions of the sweep parameters for one-way sweeps are shown graphically in
Figure 2. 1-Way Sweep Control
4.4.2 Two-Way Sweeps
If ramp_singledir (
<7>) is disabled, at the end of the ramp time, T
, the sweeper will dwell at the
final frequency, f
, until a new trigger is received. This new trigger will reverse the current sequence, starting
from f
and stepping back to f
. Odd triggers will ramp in the same direction as the initial ramp, while even
triggers will ramp in the opposite direction.
The functions of the sweep parameters for two-way sweeps are shown graphically in