Application Note
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V 1.0
IM393 Application note
IM393 IPM Technical Description
Product overview and pin description
RCIN/Fault/Enable input pin
Pin: RFE
In case of an over-current event, the FLT/EN pin will get low with the turning ON of the open-drain MOSFET.
This pin is used to post I
to switch turn-OFF clear time. (see section 5.2)
There are two situations in which the fault is reported via the RCIN/FLT/EN pin.
The first is an undervoltage condition of V
, the second is an over-current event condition, and the FLT/EN
pin will get low with the turning ON of the open-drain MOSFET.
When the fault has been removed, the fault clear timer is started, and the length of the fault clear time period
is determined by the external capacitor value. (see section 5.2)
Temperature-monitoring output pin
Pin: VTH
The VTH pin provides a voltage linked to NTC temperature. (see section 5.4)
Positive DC-link pin
Pin: P
This is the DC-link positive power supply pin of the IM393-XX IPM.
It is internally connected to the collectors of the high-side IGBTs.
In order to suppress the surge voltage caused by the DC-link wiring or PCB-pattern inductance, connect a
smoothing filter capacitor close to this pin. (Typically metal film capacitors are used.)
Negative DC-link pins
Pins: N(U), N(V), N(W)
These are the DC-link negative power supply pins (power ground) of the inverter.
These pins are connected to the low-side IGBT emitters of the each phase.
Inverter power output pins
Pins: U, V, W
Inverter output pins for connecting to the inverter load (e. g. motor).