background image

3. Compact the stone with a walk-behind plate 

compactor or vibratory roller, not to exceed the 

dynamic force of 10,000 lbs.

4. Cover the entire installation area with filter fabric 

by taking it from the perimeter and laying it over 

the top of the stone. Make sure that it overlaps 

onto itself by at least 2 feet.

5. Backfill in a 6-inch lift of well-graded,granular 

solid over the top of the filter fabric. Large rocks 

and organic matter such as roots, stumps, etc., 

must not be part of the backfill material.

6. Compact the backfill after this and each  

additional lift to a minimum of 95% of the  

modified Proctor density. Use a vibratory roller 

with maximum gross vehicle weight of 12,000 lbs 

and a maximum dynamic force of 20,000 lbs.

7. Lay ISI 14,000 or Tensar BX1100 geogrid over 

the 6 inches of compacted backfill. If two rolls are 

to be placed side-by-side, or end-to-end, overlap 

them with a minimum of 2 feet.

NOTE: Geogrid must extend at least 5 feet 

beyond the footprint of the chambers. Refer to 

manufacture’s specifications for other installation 


8. Continue to backfill in 12-inch lifts until the 

specified height of the system is achieved.

NOTE: Place the backfill in 6-inch lifts in sandy 

soil, compacting after each lift. Refer to special 

installation requirements for sandy soil.

9. Begin laying the pavement base.

NOTE: The bed must be protected from traffic 

until it is paved.

Contact Infiltrator Water Technologies’ Services Department for assistance at 1-800-221-4436

4 Business Park Road 

P.O. Box 768 

Old Saybrook, CT 06475

860-577-7000 • Fax 860-577-7001


U.S. Patents: 4,759,661; 5,017,041; 5,156,488; 5,336,017; 5,401,116; 5,401,459; 5,511,903; 5,716,163; 5,588,778; 5,839,844 Canadian Patents: 1,329,959; 2,004,564  Other patents pending. Infiltrator, Equalizer, 

Quick4, and SideWinder are registered trademarks of Infiltrator Water Technologies. Infiltrator is a registered trademark in France. Infiltrator  Water Technologies is a registered trademark in Mexico. Contour, 

MicroLeaching, PolyTuff, ChamberSpacer, MultiPort, PosiLock, QuickCut, QuickPlay, SnapLock and StraightLock are trademarks of Infiltrator  Water Technologies 

PolyLok is a trademark of PolyLok, Inc. TUF-TITE is a registered trademark of TUF-TITE, INC. Ultra-Rib is a trademark of IPEX Inc. 
© 2016 Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.

A100 0416ISI


1. Install piping per plan. A d-box or manifold may 

be installed if allowed/required by law.

NOTE: For pressurized systems, it may be  

easier to install the piping before constructing  

the chamber bed.

2. Check the header pipe to be sure it is level or 

has the prescribed slope.

3. Set the invert elevation at the appropriate height 

by measuring from the bottom of the bed to the 

bottom of the inlet. Invert height will vary depend-

ing on which chamber model is used. PRecisely 

measure the invert height on the end plate prior to 

setting the invert elevation.

NOTE: Scour controls, such as splash pads, may 

be required by state/county regulations or by the 

designer if inlet flows exceed specified volume. 

Locate and install scour control measures if 

required per site plan.

4. Construct the chamber bed by joining chambers 

length-wise in rows (if possible, be sure chamber 

placement does not exceed the reach of the  

construction equipment used to place fill).

5. To connect the chambers, lift and place the 

end of the next chamber onto the previous one 

at a 45° angle. Line up the notches on the center 

end of the chamber and lower it to the ground to 

engage the interlocks.

6. Continue connecting the chambers until the  

first row is completed.

7. Check the first row of chambers to be sure that 

it is level.

8. Continue connecting chambers until the bed 

is complete. As the chambers are installed, verify 

that they are level.

9. Determine that the chamber rows are parallel 

following the steps above. Keep the required  

istance between each row of chambers.

NOTE: Separation distance between chamber 

rows varies per code. If possible, Infiltrator Water 

Technologies recommends 6 inches of separation.

10. The last chamber in the row requires an end 

plate. Attached a closed end plate onto the outlet 

end of the chamber. Do not cut an opening in the 

closed or outlet end plate. The existing opening on 

the end plate must face outward when installed on 

the closed or outlet end of the chamber. Repeat 

this step for each row in the bed.

NOTE: Lopping the outlet end of the bed may 

be required by state/local code or specified by 

design. Infiltrator recommends drilling a hole in the 

end plate at the specified invert height.

11. Insert the loop manifold through the end plate 

and determine that the manifold is level before 

backfilling the system.


1. To ensure structural stability, carefully anchor 

chambers by ladling approved gravel between the 

chamber rows making sure not to dislodge the 

units. Be sure the gravel extends above the  

louvers a minimum of 2 inches.

2. Place 6 inches of stone over the top of the 

chamber system, filling the space between  


NOTE: For a large bed that cannot be filled from 

the sides, a light-tracked vehicle must be used. 

The ground pressure of the tracks must not 

exceed 10 psi for 6” to 12” of cover. Be sure to 

maintain a 6 inch minimum of compacted cover 

beneath the tracks at all times.

Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC Limited Warranty

Available at:  

or call 1-800-221-4436 
