Version 1.0 Copyright by Indoorcycling Group GmbH 2009
Keep the MyRide between 30% and 70% humidity. Low humidity can cause gaskets
to dry out; high humidity may cause condensation inside the unit. (See the Trouble-
shooting Guide if you get moisture in your MyRide.)
Operating temperatures should not exceed 110° or dip below 40° Fahrenheit.
Spikes or dips in voltage may damage the MyRide. If your power is subject to fluctu-
ations, prevent damage to the MyRide with a surge protector.
The LCD and touchscreen panel is delicate. Clean only when necessary with a soft,
damp cloth. If necessary, moisten the cloth with a diluted, mild detergent. Never use
liquids on the touch screen, which can leak into the Wave stand and cause electrical
The Wave stand itself may require occasional dusting. Do not use cleaning liquids on
the wave stand, as they can leak into the stand and damage electronics. Avoid harsh
chemicals or abrasives which may damage the coating on the surface of the stand.
To take advantage of new features and bug fixes, update the software on the MyRide
occasionally. You can check for new software at
To update the software, download the update file onto an empty USB stick (FAT32 file
format), and plug the USB stick into the MyRide. Turn on the MyRide and follow the
on-screen instructions. When the update is finished, the MyRide will reboot, signa-
ling that it is safe to remove the USB stick. (If not removed soon after the reboot, the
update process may happen again -- avoid this by promptly removing the USB stick
when the MyRide reboots.) Check for updates at least semi-annually.
Heavy use may work some fasteners loose. As part of your quarterly maintenance,
please verify that all bolts and screws are secure in the MyRide wave stand.
Should any unexpected problems arise, please consult the troubleshooting guide. If
problems persist, contact your service representative.
MyRide V3.0