3a. Version with shackle:
Connect the parachute bridle and Y-bridle with a shakle.
Note: the strength of the shackle must be higher than 2400
daN. The connection must be centered in the field of the
protection fabric (yellow arrow) and secured against
slipping (eg by a neoprene sleeve).
3b. Version “bridle to bridle”:
Connect the parachute bridle and Y-bridle by looping with
each other. The connection must be centered in the field of
the protection fabric (yellow arrow) and secured against
slipping (eg by a neoprene sleeve).
4. Put a packing cord left and right in the loops.
5. Put the packing cords through the eyelets of the bottom
flap of the container.
17. Mounting in a front container (optional)
1. Connect the release handle at the loop in the middle of
the deployment bag (flat side) by looping.
2. Fix the Y-bridle in the required position on the front
container by using the velcro strips. Connect the parachute
bridle with the Y-bridle of the front container (for details see
No. 3)
neoprene sleeve for
protection fabric
neoprene sleeve for
protection fabric
6. Close the bottom flap and secure provisionally with the
pins of the release handle.
7. Put the packing cords through the eyelets of the top flap.
8. Close the top flap and secure with the pins of the release
handle. Stick the release handle under the handle cover
and remove packing cords.
Take care that the handle - deployment bag connection
(arrow) is long enough that the pins will unlock the flaps.
Record the repack, if needed the compatibility check in the
rescue system log book.
9. By shortenting the straps the parachute can be
compressed (green arrows).
The ends of the Y-bridle are to be hooked into the main
carabiners of the harness.
By using the adjusters of the black belts (yellow arrows) the
front container can be positioned (height) on the harness
(depending on the width of the chest belt).
With the belt (blue arrows) the front container can be
additionally fixed left and right on the harness main