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to fi t to the inline coolant thermostat housing. Cut the EFR-800 radiator
hose with a sharp razor or box cutt er along the line shown in Figure 3
below. Only the right side of the hose will be used.
Figure 3 - For fi tment on SVT Cobra and Mach 1 Mustang models, cut the sup-
plied radiator hose along the line shown.
2. Install the right end of the hose in Figure 3 onto the EFR-100 oil fi lter
adapter’s radiator hose barb and secure with the provided worm clamp.
3. A 1.75” to 1.50” hose reducer, part number RHR-175-150 (sold sepa-
rately) is required to connect the EFR-800 hose to the inline coolant
thermostat. Insert the reducer into the cut end of the hose and secure
to the inline thermostat with the included worm clamp.
installing tHe reMote oil Filter Pedestal
1. The recommended mounti ng locati on for the remote fi lter pedestal is
the left side of the bumper bar, facing rearwards. An existi ng mounti ng
hole in the bumper bar may be used so that only one additi onal hole
needs to be drilled.
2. Secure the mounti ng bracket to the fi lter pedestal and positi on it against