STEP 5 (See Diagram 5 & Cable Loop Diagram)
A.) Attach the Ball-end of the 125” Upper Cable (#38) to the front top of the Vertical Frame (#16).
Push two Bushings (#46) into the holes from both sides. Install a Small Pulley (#44) into the
open slot. Make sure the Cable goes over the Pulley and the Ball-end is underneath the
frame. Secure the Pulley with a M10 x 2 ½” Allen Bolt (#59) and M10 Aircraft Nut (#77).
B.) Draw the cable towards the back of the machine to the first slotted hole on the Vertical Frame
(#16). Install a Small Pulley (#44) with two Bushings (#46), one M10 x 2 ½” Allen Bolt (#59),
and one M10 Aircraft Nut (#77). Pull the Cable over the Pulley then come back towards front
of the machine.
C.) Draw the Cable to the Bench Press Frame (#23). Install a Big Pulley (#45) in between the two
vertical frames. Secure the Pulley with a M10 x 5 ½” Allen Bolt (#72), two
7/8” Washers
(#82), and one M10 Aircraft Nut (#77).
D.) Draw the Cable over the Big Pulley (#45) towards the back of the machine to the second
slotted hole on the Vertical Frame (#16). Install another Pulley by repeating STEP B above.
E.) Pull the Cable downward then attach a Small Pulley (#44) to the Cable. Install two Floating
Double Pulley Brackets (#11) to the Pulley. Secure it with a M10 x 1 ¾” Allen Bolt (#60), two
7/8” Washers (#82), and one M10 Aircraft Nut (#77). Let the Bracket hanging for now.
F.) Pull the Cable upward towards the third slotted hole on the Vertical Frame (#16). Install a
Small Pulley. Draw the Cable over the pulley through the hole to the front of the Frame. Slide
a Cone Shaped Stopper (#61), Rubber Ball Bumper (#62), and Cable Washer (#63) on to the
bolt on the end of the Cable. Secure the Bolt with a Cable Connector (#64).