STEP 6 (See Diagram 6 & Cable Loop Diagram)
A.) Attach the Ball-end of the 108” Lower Cable (#39) to the open slot on the Leg Developer (#10).
Insert the Cable through both openings on the Leg Developer and Lower Main Frame (#14)
towards the back of the machine.
B.) Insert a Pulley (#44) into the open slot on the Leg Developer (#10). Make sure the Pulley is
above the Cable. Secure it with one M10 x 2 ½” Allen Bolt (#59), two Pulley Bushings (#46),
and a M10 Aircraft Nut (#77). Repeat the same step to install another Pulley to the open slot
on the Lower Main Frame (#14).
C.) Pull the Cable towards the back of the machine to the bracket underneath the seat. Install a
Pulley with a M10 x 1 ¾” Allen Bolt (#60), two
7/8” Washers (#82), and a M10 Aircraft Nut
(#77). Make sure the Cable is above the Pulley.
D.) Pull the Cable downward to the first hole on the Weight Adjustment Bar. Install a Pulley with a
M10 x 1 ¾” Allen Bolt (#60), two
7/8” Washers (#82), and a M10 Aircraft Nut (#77).
E.) Pull the Cable upward towards the Floating Double Pulley Bracket (#11) previously installed in
STEP 5E. Select the lowest hole located on the bracket and install another Pulley with one
M10 x 1 ¾” Allen Bolt (#60), two
7/8” Washers (#82), and one M10 Aircraft Nut (#77). Note:
The Cable might get loose after a period time of use. Simply raise the Pulley up to a higher
hole on the Floating Double Pulley Brackets (#11) to take off the slack.
F.) Pull the Cable downward to the second hole on the Weight Adjustment Bar (#7). Install another
Pulley. Then pull the Cable upward to the T-shaped Connector (#15). Secure the bolt on the
end of the Cable into the T-shaped connector.