Cheetah KAC Camera User Manual | Camera Link (CLF) Interface
October 1, 2019
Rev 7.2
Figure 60: Strobe Positioning with Respect to Exposure Start.
5.10 Video Amplifier Gain and Offset
5.10.1 Analog Domain – Manual Control
The camera takes advantage of the analog gain functionality built into the KAC-12040
image sensor. The manufacturer recommends applying analog gain before using the
digital gain function. The image sensor automatically adjusts the black level as the analog
gain is adjusted to minimize fluctuation. The user-adjustable target black level is added
after the gain stage, and adjustments to this setting will not affect dark level sensitivity.
The gain range depends on output bit depth with gain of 1x, 2x, and 4x (12dB) possible
using 12-bit digitization and gain of 1x 2x, 4x, and 8x (18dB) possible using 10-bit
digitization (Table 20).
For 10-bit digitization, there are 15 different potential gain settings while 12-bit
digitization has 7 potential settings as described formula and table below:
10 Bit Digitization Gains:
Analog Gain = 16 / [(Select Code Bits (5:0)) / 2];
12-Bit Digitization:
Analog Gain = 4 / [(Select Code Bits (4:0)) / 2]
Note: Bit 0 is always 0 and Select code =2 and gains less than 1 are not allowed.