User Manual
SONO-MIX MINI Version 2_7
Page 35
7.1.5. Setting the precision of a single value measurement cycle
The SONO probe can be adjusted to the precision of a single value measurement via
"Single Precise
First of all, the more accurate the SONO probe has to measure, the longer the time
required for a single value measurement with a TDR radar pulse evaluation. There are applications
where the SONO probe under a silo valve has only 2 to 4 seconds to perform several measurements
with average value building. Here, a precise single value measurement would take too long, which is
why the setting
with a shortes measuring time of 280 ms is recommended. Especially since the
fluctuating flow of material under a silo valve cannot lead to constant conditions anyway in order to be
able to carry out a highly precise individual measurement.
However, there are applications where it is necessary to achieve measuring accuracies up to + -0.05%
moisture content which is only possible with very constant material conditions. E.g. in liquids with
fractions of water in oil or in emulsions.
The following table provides an overview of the possible settings in the SONO probe for a single TDR
radar pulse evaluation.
Function of the parameter
Mode C
e.g. CS, CH,
CF, etc.
Very quick TDR pulse search
and very quick measurement
within 280 ms.
e.g. under a silo flap with only
2-4 seconds measurement
Mode C
e.g. CS, CH,
CF, etc.
Quick and precise TDR pulse
search and precise
measurement within 350ms.
Similar to „Quick“ but with a
little longer reaction time in
process measurements.
Mode A:
Mode A
Mode A only with
measurements via serial
interface of the sensor.
E.g. for calibrations.
Mode A for mobile moisture
probes with hand
measurement device HD2 or
Input value:
Mode C and
Mode A
Most precise single value
measurement with precise
TDR radar pulse triggering
and pulse analysis. The
higher the value 1 to 4 the
higher the precision but the
longer the measurement
Only in process environment
where a continuously material
flow is guaranteed and a very
high precision is necessary.
Single MeasNo
Default value: 4
Input value
max. 10
Mode C and
Mode A
Additional averaging of the
single value measurement.
Please consider: when 10 is
entered, one single
measurement can take up to
one second.
Only in process environment
where a continuously material
flow is guaranteed and a very
high precision is necessary.