Like regulators and other pressure-sensitive equipment, we
recommend careful care and cleaning along with annual
replacement of the factory seals.
Water enters the housing
Re-clean and re-install the main o-ring.
Take the housing underwater without a camera installed to ensure
that the leaking has been corrected.
Photos are over-exposed (too light)
Adjust aperture (smaller), shutter speed (faster), or ISO (lower)
Move lights(s) farther away from your subject.
Adjust exposure compensation in the camera.
Adjust lighting power.
Photos are under-exposed (too dark)
Adjust aperture (larger), shutter speed (slower), or ISO (higher)
Move light(s) closer to your subject.
Adjust exposure compensation in the camera.
Adjust lighting power.
Strobe will not fire
Turn on strobe and make sure it is properly charged.
Remove Hotshoe from camera mount if using a fiber optic strobe.
The internal camera flash is disabled when the Hotshoe is