Follow the checking procedure below to assure a safe fl ight.
Place the helicopter on a fl at and dust free surface. Fully extend the transmit-
ter antenna. The throttle stick should be in idle position (left stick towards you).
Switch on the transmitter. As soon as you connect the fl ight battery connector
with the receiver the LED will fl ash fast, indicating that the system is ready.
The incorporated gyro will calibrate itself and the helicopter is ready for opera-
Always switch on the transmitter fi rst and than connect the fl ight
battery in the helicopter. After the fl ight, disconnect fi rst the fl ight battery and
than switch off the transmitter. If you do not follow this sequence, the model
may start up inadvertently and may get damaged and/or cause damage.
When moving the left control stick on the transmitter forward both motors will
start and the helicopter will lift off. If you move this stick to the right, the he-
licopter will turn to the right around the vertical axis. Move the right stick for-
ward, the swash plate will tilt forward, the helicopter will lower its front (if in
fl ight) and will fl y forward. Moving the right stick to the right, the swash plate
will tilt to the right and the helicopter will start a right turn.
The R/C Transmitter