Pilot Operating Handbook for the C42 Series
POH C42 SERIES ISSUE1 (B) REV7 25/04/2020
Page 55 of 73
c.) Control Surface Deflections
The angle of the aileron bottom relative to the
wing chord is -5° (tangent front to rear spar). It is
defined by the length of the aileron push rods.
Distance from axis of rotation
Neutral position:
-7°± 1°
-35mm ± 10mm
20°± 2°
90mm ± 10mm
14°± 2°
70mm ± 10mm
Measuring point distance from the steering axis: 250mm
Spade settings on the aileron in the C42C and C42CS model.
Spade angle in relation to the QR-3° ± 1°
Measurement with water level at base of 1 cm under Aileron end strip.