Pilot Operating Handbook for the C42 Series
POH C42 SERIES ISSUE1 (B) REV7 25/04/2020
Page 22 of 73
4. Flight Operations
4.1 Taxiing
The nose wheel steering is conventional and is directly connected to the
rudder pedals. Push the right pedal to turn right. Push the left pedal to
turn left.
Taxiing is simple. The turning radius of the C-42 is small, and the plane
handles cross wind during taxing very well.
When taxiing with a strong tail wind, hold the control stick firmly in the
neutral or nose-down position.
When taking off or landing on bumpy grass strips, exercise caution to
avoid striking the propeller.
4.2 Take-off and Climb
After completing the "before take-off" checklist:
Runway and approach are cleared:
Set trim to neutral. (with an electrical trim the third lamp from above)
Wing flaps in take-off position (flap position II).
Gently bring the throttle to full forward position, check tachometer.
At full throttle, the tips of the propeller blades produce hard knocking
Pull the stick slightly back during the initial roll.
The nose wheel will lift off at approx. 50 km/h (27 kts).
Further accelerate with the nose wheel up 5-10cm off the ground.