UNO Synth
4 – Front Panel Interface
4.2.3 – Filters (FILTER)
The UNO Synth Pro is equipped with 2 filters for its voice that can be routed either in series or parallel.
Filter 1 is a 2-pole OTA based filter with HP and LP modes. This is a version of the original UNO Synth filter with
improved stability and control.
Filter 2 is a selectable 2 or 4-Pole LP based on the SSI2164 chip.
The CUTOFF and RESonance controls are shared for the 2 filters. They are located outside the matrix and are
always available.
Pressing the FILTER button lights the 4th row of text indicators.
Pressing the FILTER button toggles between them with lighted indicator text to identify which filter is currently
CUTOFF: Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the filter from 20Hz to 22kHz.
RES: Adjusts the resonance of the filter from 0 to 127. Filter 2 will begin to self-oscillate at around value 105.
ENV AM 1 or Envelope Amount to Filter 1: This is a fixed modulation route that determines how much the
Filter Envelope modulates the cutoff frequency of FILTER 1 with a range of -63 to 64.
ENV AM 2 or Envelope Amount to Filter 2: This is a fixed modulation that determines how much the Filter
Envelope modulates the cutoff frequency of FILTER 2 with a range of -63 to 64.
SPACING: The spacing control is an offset between the cutoff frequencies of the two filters. Positive values
increase the cutoff frequency of Filter 2 in relation to Filter 1. Negative values do the opposite: Negative Spacing
values decrease the cutoff frequency of Filter 2 in relation to Filter 1. The control range is from -63 to 64.