UNO Drum
4 – Front panel interface
Snare LPF: Adjust the LPF placed on the noise generator recreating the snare to increase or decrease its
harmonic content. Since the LPF is added only in the White Noise part, as soon as you start decreasing the
harmonic content also the decay will start to decrease until only the body part of the snare remains.
Level: adjust element volume
Decay: adjust the decay between 8 hard selections
Level: adjust element volume
(open and closed hi hats)
Tune: Select the type of metal noise between 4 selections.
Decay: adjust the decay time
Level: adjust element volume
PCM sounds
On UNO Drum the PCM sounds are vintage style samples, giving an old school vibe to the entire machine. For
the PCM sounds the engine operate at 32kHz and 12 bit. The controls are:
Tune: adjust the speed reading of the PCM samples. On the display values are showed from 0 to 127, where
0 is the minimum reading speed value, 64 is the normal speed value and the default and 127 is the maximum
reading speed.
Decay: Reduce the decay time of the amp envelope, meaning that the maximum value of 127 corresponds to
the max length of the sample. Note that the decay is linked proportionally to the TUNE control, meaning that
changing the tune will change the decay time accordingly.
Level and Velocity controls are common for all element, and are single edit for each element. They are shown
and controlled with values between 0 and 127.
All the controls of the Drum row can be saved in a KIT, and can be recorded in an element pattern both in real
time and per-step.