UNO Drum
4 – Front panel interface
4.1 – Editing Matrix
The editing matrix is composed in 4 endless encoders and 3 cap-sense buttons.
The cap-sense button activates the encoder, which will edit the parameters described in the labeled row at the
right of the button and under the encoder. The row is shown as selected when the relative LED of the button is
All of the endless encoders have a RELATIVE behavior, meaning that the values are changing smoothly from the
saved value or current value regardless of the knob position, creating no jump in values.
The first row, named DRUM, has a second function which it activates after holding the button for 1.5 seconds;
after those 1.5 seconds the encoders will adjust the parameters according to the label.
All the matrix buttons are exclusive toggles, meaning that only one button at the time can be selected and it is
not possible to de-select a button but instead select another to change selection.
Each row has its own type of controls and parameter values.
4.1.1 – Drum Row
The DRUM row is an element related row and it is strictly linked to the elements PADs.
Once a PAD is selected (a selection of an element is made by pressing the relative PAD on the Play/Program
section) the relative element controls can be modified in this row.