Draco tera IP Gateway
Access Options
Access Options
You have following options to configure and/or operate extender modules:
Access option
Command Mode and
Keyboard commands
The command mode allows several functions to be controlled by keyboard commands
during normal use.
Tera Tool
Firmware updates for extender modules and settings for IP Gateway connection can be
performed via the management software.
The management software is available as a single executable program file that does not
require an installation. The management software can be downloaded from the link
Advanced settings can be configured on the Draco tera operating system using the
management software:
Advanced configuration
Extended monitoring options
System update (firmware update)
Local backup option
5.1 Command Mode
To start the command mode, use a keyboard sequence (Hot Key) at the keyboard of a CON Unit plugged in a
KVM device. The command mode can also be called up using a keyboard with USB HID interface connected to the
R474-BXH add-on module.
To exit the command mode, press Esc.
While in command mode,
the Caps Lock and Scroll Lock LEDs on the keyboard are flashing,
the USB HID devices are not operable, mouse and keyboard functions are deactivated,
only selected keyboard commands are available.
If there is no keyboard command entered within 10 seconds after activating the command mode, it will be
deactivated automatically.
The following keyboard commands are used to enter, and to exit the command mode, and to change the Hot Key.
Keyboard command
Start the command
2x Left Shift (Hot Key, factory setting)
Exit the command
Esc and also Left Shift + Esc, if necessary
Change the Hot Key
current Hot Key, c, new Hot Key Code, Enter