4.2 Applications with IO-Link master and LR DEVICE
Configure the memory plug via LR DEVICE (software) → 6.6.
Write the data stored on the memory plug → 6.6.1.
Read and edit the data stored on the memory plug → 6.6.2.
4.3 Basic operating conditions
• Negative switching sensors are not supported�
• The memory plug cannot be used with IO-Link actuators�
• IO-Link sensors with COM3 are not supported�
• The memory plug is intended for saving the data of IO-Link sensors used
without IO-Link master�
• Data in the parameter set of the sensor protected by an access code cannot be
overwritten by the memory plug�
The memory plug saves / writes data after the following operations�
• After application of the supply voltage�
• After interrupting and restoring the connection between the memory
plug and the sensor�
After saving the parameters all sensor signals are linked through without
being changed� The output function of the sensor, its quality and speed
remain unchanged� An integrated memory plug does not influence the
complete system�
Recommended operating mode:
Operation in the [Write protected] mode is recommended� This
mode ensures that a parameter set saved in the memory plug is not
unintentionally overwritten� In the [Read/Write] mode the memory plug is
not write-protected!
The manufacturer of an IO-Link sensor is responsible for providing all
parameters necessary for an exchange� The memory plug reads this
information from the sensor and saves exactly these parameters�
The memory plug cannot be used in a system with IO-Link master� The
functionality of the system cannot be guaranteed�