• An analogue current signal can also be connected to the dynamic inputs to
monitor max� 4 more process values�
Moreover up to 4 vibration sensors from ifm (types VSA, VSP) or sensors with
an IEPE standard signal can be connected�
• The possibilities of signal monitoring and signal analysis depend on the re-
spective firmware version� The current firmware and operating software can be
downloaded from the download area on ifm's website�
• The alarm states of the monitoring tasks (process values and/or objects) are
indicated in the aiagnostic electronic and/or the 2 hardware outputs via the
LED of the respective sensor�
The hardware outputs can be configured as 2 x binary (NO/NC, PNP) or as 1 x
analogue (0/4…20 mA) and 1x binary (NO/NC, PNP)�
Examples of the firmware functions are:
• Online monitoring
-of process values (analogue signals) for current value above and/or below the
limit value�
-of up to 24 indicators (objects) of the dynamic signals (e�g� vibration) in the
time range or frequency range (FFT and/or H-FFT)�
Monitoring of the objects is possible with regard to up to 2 process categories
(e�g� load and rotational speed)�
• Internal trend memory with RTC time stamp with flexible storage intervals for
each object�
• Counter function
For monitoring and evaluation of the dynamic signals (e�g� vibration) the firmware
provides the following tools or settings:
-Spectral analysis FFT, envelope-curve FFT, trend analysis
-Velocity monitoring to ISO 10816 with variable filter setting
All parameters are set and/or the monitoring tasks configured (process values
and/or objects) via the PC software, article number VES004�
Via the Ethernet interface of the diagnostic electronics networking is possible to
visualise data (measured values, alarm states, ���) in other systems (e�g� SCADA,
MES, ����)� The type VOS OPC server from ifm is a suitable optional accessoring�