5. Optional device driver installation
In SMART-50 printer, you can install the optional devices that encode contact smartcard or
contactless smartcard. If your purchased SMART-50 printer has optional devices, you should also
install the smart card reader drivers.
5.1. Contact smartcard reader
In SMART-50 printer, you can install the two types of optional devices which are contact
smartcard reader and mobile SIM smartcard reader. If you have one or more smartcard reader
devices on your printer, you should install the smartcard device driver as in the following, and
connect SMART-50 printer to your PC.
5.1.1. Run the smartcard driver installer
Insert the smartcard installation CD and find “\Options\Gemalto PC Twin” directory on your
CD. Find the right directory which is installed OS version on your PC, and run the installer.
You can see the smartcard reader driver installation window as the Pic.125. And click “Next”.
Pic.125 Contact smartcard reader driver installation