Pic.110 Color density
Black Density:
To set resin black density. In Pic.111, barcode is printed to express density.
When density is too strong, barcode is printed too thick. When density is too weak, barcode
is too thin. Please adjust resin black density to express clear barcode. Please refer
following pictures.
Pic.111 Resin Black density
Overlay Density:
To set overlay density. Please set it when overlay is printed on surface
regularly. If it is too strong, it is hazy and marks are appeared. If it is too weak, overlay panel
is not printed edge areas. You can check it with printed card under the light.
Pic.112 Overlay density
To print calibration card.
To show advanced Setup.
(It is recommended not to set advanced setup.)
To load or save values.
Get Config.:
to get values from current printer