Reference Manual for the CLOUD 370x F Contactless Desktop Readers
Document Version 1.0
Last revised on 2014-07-22
Page 64 of 82
This Escape command is used to get the current baud rate of card-reader communication.
The first byte of the input buffer contains the escape code.
The output contains a byte with the following possible values:
Byte0 Description
0x00 106 Kbps in both directions
0x01 106 Kbps from PICC to PCD, 212 Kbps from PCD to PICC
0x02 106 Kbps from PICC to PCD, 424 Kbps from PCD to PICC
0x03 106 Kbps from PICC to PCD, 848 Kbps from PCD to PICC
0x10 212 Kbps from PICC to PCD, 106 Kbps from PCD to PICC
0x11 212 Kbps in both directions
0x12 212 Kbps from PICC to PCD, 424 Kbps from PCD to PICC
0x13 212 Kbps from PICC to PCD, 848 Kbps from PCD to PICC
0x20 424 Kbps from PICC to PCD, 106 Kbps from PCD to PICC
0x21 424 Kbps from PICC to PCD, 212 Kbps from PCD to PICC
0x22 424 Kbps in both directions
0x23 424 Kbps from PICC to PCD, 848 Kbps from PCD to PICC
0x30 848 Kbps from PICC to PCD, 106 Kbps from PCD to PICC
0x31 848 Kbps from PICC to PCD, 212 Kbps from PCD to PICC
0x32 848 Kbps from PICC to PCD, 424 Kbps from PCD to PICC
0x33 848 Kbps in both directions
Only the CLOUD 3700 F reader supports 848 Kbps; the CLOUD 3701 F reader’s maximum baud rate is
424 Kbps.
Escape code (0x9E)