THEORY OF OPERATION: Frequency Generator (RF) Section
The ADDAG is an acronym for A/D + D/A + Glue. The ADDAG IC is designed to
be an interface between the system DSP, which is digital, and the custom transmit-
ter and receiver ICs, which are primarily analog.
A 16.8 MHz signal from pin 2 of Y300 Crystal sine_out is routed to pin K9 xtal
input of the LV Frac-N synthesizer. The signal is buffered to produce a 16.8 MHz
reference oscillator.; it goes out pin K6 of the LV Frac-N synthesizer and is routed
to pin A5 of the ADDAG.
The interface to the transmitter consists primarily of two 8-bit D/A converters
with programmable sampling rates and filter bandwidths. The interface to the
receiver consists primarily of a single, 10-bit A/D converter, which is multiplexed
to convert I, Q, and RSSI signals captured from the output of the iZIF IC. The
ADDAG IC includes a D/A converter for PA bias control. The voltage supply cir-
cuit comes from VCC4 and VCC6.
The inputs to the receiver path consist of three sample and hold circuits which are
used to simultaneously sample the I, Q, and RSSI signals coming from the iZIF
IC. To help maximize dynamic range and noise performance, these three input
signals are fully differential, and therefore require a total of six pins on the
ADDAG IC (pins INI, INIB, INQ, INQB, AGC, and AGCB). The sample and hold
circuits are programmed for a 48ksps sampling rate.
After sampling, the three input signals are multiplexed sequentially as differential
signals to a single 10-bit A/D converter. The outputs of the A/D converter are cap-
tured by a shift register, formatted, then sent out as a continuous serial data stream
at the same rate as the internally generated serial clock signal. To make the output
words DSP compatible, they are formatted as fractional, 2’s complement data
words, with the MSB being left justified to turn the 10-bit words from the A/D
converter into 16-bit output words.
The serial output port is designed to produce a 48 kHz frame sync signal (pin
SFS) at the start of each I word transmission. Immediately following the transmis-
sion of the I word, the corresponding bits for the Q and AGC words are sent out in
sequence over the serial port (pin SRD). This corresponds to having an SSI inter-
face which uses a continuous clock in the network mode of operation. The output
serial clock/data rate is 2.4 MHz (pin SCK).