touch one test prod to
the frame and the other
prod to each of the
terminal connections.
The terminal which
turns the continu-
ity LED “On” is the
grounded side. With power to motor or
appliance “On,” place tester across the
frame and to each of the terminal con-
nections. The terminal which does not
give a voltage indication, but does give
a continuity indication, is the grounded
• Testing for 25 to 60 Cycle
Place tester between each side of AC
line. A low frequency hum and slow
vibrations indicate 25 cycle current. 60
cycle current is indicated by a higher
frequency hum and more rapid vibra-
• Checking Continuity of Cords,
Motors, Appliances, etc. (61-086
Remove power source and place tester
across circuit to be tested. Continuity
LED turns “On” and an audible beep
is heard if resistance is less than 500K
• Locating Excessive Leakage to
Place tester across the neutral terminal
and the ground, only the continuity light
should turn “On,” indicating neutral and
ground are connected. If the “ – DC”
light also turns “On,” there is 6VAC
or greater between neutral and ground
indicating a high resistance leakage
to ground. High resistance leakage is
qualified since a low resistance (high
current) leak to ground would open a
circuit breaker or blow a fuse.
Battery Replacement: (61-086 only)
• Replace batteries when touching the
leads together no longer lights the
continuity LED or produces an audible
• Remove test leads from tester.
• Loosen the encapsulated screw from the
bottom of the case.
• Remove battery cap.
• Replace the batteries with (4) new 1.5V
button-type batteries (IDEAL# 61-201,
IEC #LR44, or NEOA# 1166A).
• Replace battery cap and re-tighten the
encapsulated screw.
Test Lead Replacement:
• Replace leads only with IDEAL test leads
• # TL-80 Standard Test Leads with
Shielded Probe Tips
• # TL-82 Resistor-fused Test Leads
with Shielded Probe Tips. Each
probe tip contains a special, current-
limiting resistor which acts like a
fuse to limit short-circuit current and
prevents dangerous arcing during a
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