The built-in valve-box is designed with an extensive sealing system to prevent water penetration in two ways:
Firstly, any trickles of water resulting from a minor leak inside the valve-box are prevented from entering into
the wall cavity. Secondly, any water spray from the shower area is prevented from entering the valve-box.
Fleece mat:
is bonded between the
wall & the tiles. Mat prevents spay water
from the shower entering into the wall
See positioning illustration below:
Lateral seals:
All 4 pipe connection ports are
reliably sealed all round.
These seals prevent water trickles from minor
leaks from the valve-box entering into the wall
Valve-box lid:
has precision seals injec
tion moulded to it, thus preventing seals
from being lost.
Lid prevents spay water from the shower
entering into the valve-box.
O-ring seals:
Both handle shrouds are
sealed with o-rings, preventing spay
water from the shower entering into the
Leak warning system:
In the event of a leak occurring inside the valve-box, the accumulated water will
begin to drip from the gap between the temperature handle & the shroud. If a drip occurs, this indicates there
is a problem & the chrome trim kit should be removed & the leak fixed. This leak path is designed to freely
permit drainage of water from inside the valve-box into the wet area of the bathroom (but prevent water from
escaping into the wall cavity).
IMPORTANT: inside of valve-box should not be drilled
otherwise water tightness will be lost.
4.7 Valve-box sealing system