Type 6
-spring travel up to approx. 120 mm and
appropriately equipped
pedelecs, youth bicy-
cles and single speed/
fixie bicycles can be
used on public roads
and light off-road condi-
tions such as field paths, trails and cross-country
courses. They may be used to ride over small
obstacles such as roots, rocks or steps. Appro-
priate protective equipment (suitable helmet,
gloves) should be worn.
Manufacturers and dealers are not liable for
damage resulting from use outside of intended
use. This applies particularly to damage resulting
from non-adherence to the safety instructions,
e.g., in terms of:
• Using the bicycle on terrain
• Carrying excess weigh or
• Making improper repairs to defects
These bikes are not designed for extreme im-
pact. This includes riding over steps, bike jump-
ing, extreme use in unauthorised biking competi-
tions, doing tricks and performing stunts.
Type 7
All Mountain
-spring travel up to approx. 120 -150
mm and appropriately
equipped pedelecs can
be used on public roads
and off-road. They may
be used to ride over ob-
stacles such as roots,
rocks or steps. Small jumps are permitted. Ap-
propriate protective equipment (suitable helmet,
gloves protectors as necessary) should be worn.
Manufacturers and dealers are not liable for
damage resulting from use outside of intended
use. This applies particularly to damage resulting
from non-adherence to the safety instructions,
e.g., in terms of:
• Using the bicycle in extreme off-road condi-
tions, for high jumps, steep descents or in bike
• Carrying excess weigh or
• Making improper repairs to defects
Bicycles are generally not designed to withstand
extreme stress, such as steep descents or high
jumps, nor heavy-duty use, such unauthorised
competitive events, tricks or stunts.
Type 8
- spring travel up to approx. 150 -180 mm
and appropriately equipped pedelecs can be
used on public roads and off-road. They may be
used to ride over obstacles such as roots, rocks
or steps. Jumps are permitted. Appropriate pro-
tective equipment (suitable helmet, full-finger
gloves, protectors as necessary) should be worn.
Manufacturers and dealers are not liable for
damage resulting from use outside of intended
use. This applies particularly to damage resulting
from non-adherence to the safety instructions,
e.g., in terms of:
- Using the bicycle on rough terrain, for high
jumps, steep descents or hard riding in bike
- Carrying excess weigh or
- Making improper repairs to defects
These bikes are not designed for extreme stress.
This includes steep descents or high jumps, ex-
treme use in unauthorised biking competitions,
doing tricks or performing stunts.
Type 9
- spring travel from 180 mm
and appropriately equipped pedelecs can be
used on public roads and off-road. They may be
used to ride over obstacles such as roots, rocks
or steps. Jumps are permitted. Appropriate pro-
tective equipment (full-face helmet, full-finger
gloves, protectors) should be worm.
Manufacturers and dealers are not liable for
damage resulting from use outside of intended
use. This applies particularly to damage resulting
from non-adherence to the safety instructions,
e.g., in terms of:
• Using the bicycle on rough terrain, for very high
jumps, steep descents or hard riding in bike
• Carrying excess weigh or
IDEAL MANUAL 2016_eng.indd 8
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