Stay directly behind you
, leaning as you lean.
Avoid unnecessary
talk or motion.
Also, tell your passenger to tighten his or her hold when you:
surface problems,
Are about to start
from a stop, and
Warn that you
are going to make a sudden move.
Riding With Passengers
Your motorcycle will respond more slowly with a passenger on board. The
heavier your passenger, the longer it will take to slow down, speed up, or turn
— especially on a light motorcycle.
• Ride a little slower, especially when taking curves, corners, or bumps.
• Start slowing earlier as you approach a stop.
• Open up a larger cushion of space ahead and to the sides.
• Wait for larger gaps to cross, enter, or merge in traffic.
Warn your passenger of special conditions — when you will pull out, stop
quickly, turn sharply, or ride over a bump. Turn your head slightly to make
yourself understood, but keep your eyes on the road ahead.
Carrying Loads
Most motorcycles are not designed to carry much cargo. Small loads can be
carried safely if positioned and fastened properly.
• Keep the Load Low
— Fasten loads securely, or put them in saddle
bags. Piling loads against a sissybar or frame on the back of the seat
raises the motorcycle’s center of gravity and disturbs its balance.
• Keep the Load Forward
— Place the load over, or in front of, the rear
axle. Tankbags keep loads forward, but use caution when loading hard or
sharp objects. Make sure the tankbag does not interfere with handlebars
or controls. Mounting loads behind the rear axle can affect how the
motorcycle turns and brakes. It can also cause a wobble.
• Distribute the Load Evenly
— Load saddlebags with about the same
weight. An uneven load can cause the motorcycle to drift to one side.
• Secure the Load
— Fasten the load securely with elastic cords (bungee
cords or nets). A tight load won’t catch in the wheel or chain, which
could cause the motorcycle to lock up and skid. Rope tends to stretch
and knots come loose, permitting the load to shift or fall.