Signal Tone Volume
: The ring volume level for tones when the intercom is called.
Enable VAD
: Voice Activity Detection (VAD).
If VAD is enabled, the G729 Payload length cannot be greater than 20 milliseconds.
Disable AEC
: Selecting this option will disable Acoustic Echo Cancellation processing. AEC stops audio from
the loudspeaker mixing in to the microphone.
AEC Settings
This feature is not supported.
Sound Update
This feature is not supported.
Sound Select
This feature is not supported.
Sound Delete
This feature is not supported.
Alert Info Ring Settings
This feature is not supported.
Intercom Settings | Video
Configure video capture and encoding parameters.
Camera Status
: Displays the current status of the camera, including the maximum and current number of
connections to the camera.
Snapshot Setting
This feature is not supported.
Video Capture
: When set to
switching of the IRCUT is determined by the ambient light level of the camera.
When set to
switching is determined by the brightness of the IR lamp.
White Balance
: Adjusts according to the camera's environment.
: Recommended for outdoor installations.
: Recommended for indoor installations.
Anti Flicker
: Helps to eliminate horizontal scroll in fluorescent environments.
IR Swap
: Toggle infrared filtering.
Backlight Compensation
: Enable to see people or objects clearly in front of a strong background light.
Wide Dynamic
: Enables filtering as specified in Wide Dynamic Upper Limit.
Fill Light
: Enable or disable.
Video Title
: When enabled the video title is encoded on the video capture.
Day/Night Mode
: Switches according to the DNC Threshold and the brightness of the camera's environment.
Day Mode
: The camera's video screen is always colored. IRCUT switch will be synchronized.
PRT-IPIC-POE-C | Vandal Resistant VoIP Intercom with Camera | Installation Manual