Doc. No.:
Rev. Date:
Proj. Ref.:
Savannah S
Applies to Generic Serial Number:
Verify the installation of the push-pull rod of the steering, going to the front landing gear. The
length of the rods should not modified from design dimensions;
The nose wheel must be longitudinally aligned when the rudder pedals are straight;
If the Rudder pedals (left pilot side is the reference) are not aligned when the wheel is
longitudinally straight, move the pedals to obtain the alignment. Then adjust properly the
push-pull rods uniball to obtain the nose wheel straight consequently. The uniball adjustment
must be always done by closing the uniball (shortening the rod in respect of design values);
With the Rudder pedals always aligned together, pull the cables at the proper tension by
means of Nonio tender (11-15 [lbs]);
Check the Rudder surface is aligned longitudinally straight to the Fuselage;
If the Rudder is not longitudinally aligned, modify the cables length by regulating the Nonio
tender with same number of holes, unsymmetrically (the one adding and the other one
subtracting holes);
Verify the Rudder alignment and when found correct check again the cable are tensioned as
Rudder ground adjustable (flettner) tab deflection
The ground adjustable tab installed on the Rudder surface is necessary to obtain a directional
alignment (sideslip ball centered) of the airplane during leveled cruise flight at 75% of power (5000
[RPM]), no turbulence, no wind, below 2500 [ft] of Density Altitude and approximately 500 [kg] of
weight with two occupants of same weight on-board (side CG centered if differently obtainable).
During this flight condition, set the roll at zero Bank angle eventually maintained by piloting with
control stick and then free the Rudder pedals control; weight the condition is stable an observe if the
airplane goes directionally on the left or right, therefore the sideslip ball is on the left or right
respectively. In case of left, land the airplane and set the ground adjustable tab bent lightly on the
left. Then flight again and observe consequently the behavior and correct newly if required.
The following
reports the design dimension of the push-pull rods of the directional control
system, from uniball to uniball center (codes on CM and SPC of reference documents in
Length [mm]
SL075 (left)
313 +/-2
SL076 (right)
335 +/-2
Table 36: Directional CS (steering) push-pull rods dimension
7.1.6. Elevator Trim Tab setup
The elevator trim tab setup is verifiable only in-flight; the initial setup is done with the design
dimension of the push-pull rods of the trim tab actuator, reported in
. With the airplane in
flight at leveled condition with full power, no turbulence, no wind, below 2500 [ft] of Density Altitude,
approximately 500 [kg] of weight (two occupants) and 5 kg in the baggage compartment, the trim tab
should maintain the aircraft trimmed leveled at the full nose down trim position and coherent
indication. If the aircraft rise the nose up with controls free, in that speed and trim full down conditions,