VXC-114U/144U/144iU User’s Manual (Ver. 1.2, Mar.11, 2009) -----38
3.4.2 Verification
To verify the installation, please complete the following steps:
1. Select ”
Start / Settings / Control Panel
” and double-click the ”
” icon.
2. Click the ”
” tab and then click the ”
Device Manager
” button.
The VXC Card is listed under the ”
VXC Multi-port serial Card
” class, and each
Communications Port is listed under the ”
Ports (VxCard – RS-232/422/485)
” class.
3.4.3 Configuration
If needed, users can change the input buffer size (default is 4 KB for each port, up to 128 KB) by
setting the “SW FIFO” scroll-bar on the VxCard Utility. The utility’s short cut is placed on the desktop
after driver installed.